Having had a great chance to interact with such a great class, I was able to help them put together a work of narrative pantomime that I hope to get the video for soon! I apologize for the delay!
The video will speak for itself, but each student was assigned to a civilization like the Mayans or Aztecs or to a specific explorer. We had Monday class (12/1/14) to rehearse, and Wednesday (12/3/15) the students put it up. I narrated the action starting with the first people in the Americas and passing on down to the Norse Explorers who temporarily invaded Greenland but were pushed out. Then time passed and Spain became a nation united under Isabella and Ferdinand. Due to this expansion and much fighting between Portugal and Spain, many explorers sailed the world looking for new passages and new lands. Eventually, England joined the fray along with France and Italy. The results were life changing for everyone within the sound of my blog.
The students did a great job and had a chance to reflect on their work and what social studies means to them. I am incredibly grateful to Lindsey Pettibone for her feedback and the chance to work with her students. They're a wonderful class!
It sounds like a great activity. Can't wait to see the video!